Keep Moving Forward

We are now in receipt of our fundraising and training packs from Macmillan, fully equipped with a 10 week training plan, a nice green sponsorship form and our event day T-Shirt.

I have managed to get another £40 worth of sponsorship just this week which puts me exactly half way to my target!!! 

In the last couple of weeks I have upped my walking, although, not much of it has been as off road as it will be on the day it is helping to build my fitness. When we were in the north we did go for a walk in the local woods, unfortunately though it was not long after a large amount of rain which meant we had to do it in wellies. This was far from ideal as you don't get much support in a wellie, but we persevered and even took the dog with us. We managed to get round 3.89 miles in 1 hour and 39 minutes which was an average pace of 25 minute miles. Not long after we started I did struggle with a hill, which I am told was more of a steep slope than an actual hill, but after a small pause at the top we continued. Being in woodland there were a lot of twigs and fallen branches on the ground along with large sections of slippery muddy areas which were troublesome to navigate at times but at no point did I complain.

I should point out now, if I haven't done so already that I am not an outdoorsy kind of a person, walking up hills and through mud is not generally my idea of fun which is one of the reasons that this 26 mile walk really will be a challenge for me.

Now our event is taking place in the middle of summer and that means that the likelihood of the ground being very muddy is pretty slim but this walk certainly made me realise the importance of a good pair of walking boots, it does appear I have rather weak ankles.

Therefore in an attempt to not only build my fitness but also strengthen my aforementioned weak ankles I have taken up walking in my lunch hour every day. The problem that faces me is that as well as squeezing in the walk each day I also need to be able to eat my lunch, so I have plotted a route which takes roughly 20 minutes and is just over a mile. This way giving me the opportunity to not only return to the office and cool down but also grab some healthy food. 

Myself and Claire have been at this for a week now and have managed to cover a total of 7.3 miles so far, and even when it snowed earlier this week we were still keeping to a similar pace each time (despite the snow getting in our eyes). I am making sure that I track each walk that I do so that I can see if I am improving my time over distance and also, as I am using an app on my phone I am able to set myself weekly challenges. This weeks challenge was to cover 4 miles over the course of the week, which I have now exceeded. 

Today I have had to work from home given the rather heavy downfall of snow we had yesterday, however this did not deter me from walking as I needed to drop off a birthday card. So I dug out a pair of old sturdy boots and set off through the snow, ice and sludge. It was less than a mile there and back and given that I was walking slower so as not to slip on the black ice I walked 0.89miles in 20 minutes. Not bad when you consider before I wouldn't have left the house in this weather. The only downside to today's walk is that the boots I wore were far from comfortable and I now have sore feet. Perhaps a good excuse for a soak and some pampering.

Talking of bad feet, Joe managed to damage his ankle / foot playing rugby at the weekend and has spent this week on crutches. Thankfully it is not broken but it does appear to be rather badly sprained. He has consulted the physio at the rugby club who has told him he needs to try and put weight on it as much as possible however it could be 4-6 weeks before it is healed. This isn't too much of an issue as we have 18 weeks until the actual walk which still gives us plenty of time to train, even if he still thinks he doesn't need to.

Bring on next week and the successful completion of more walking challenges! Got to love a mini win!! 
